Blackbeard often fought, or simply showed himself, wearing a big feathered tricorn, and having multiple swords, knives, and pistols at his disposal. It was reported in theGeneral History of the Pirates that he had hemp and lighted matches woven into his enormous black beard during battle. Accounts of people who saw him fighting[citation needed] say that they thought he "looked like the devil" with his fearsome face and the smoke cloud around his head. This image, which he cultivated, has made him the premier image of the seafaring pirate.
To summarize, all Donut seems to do is calling a few .NET-related Windows APIsto load the CLR, create an application domain, put the assembly inside and run it.Of course its a bit more complicated than that.The above is just an exemplary run and as usual, the devil is in the details.However, this shall suffice here for illustration. 041b061a72