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The STR (293) exam is composed of 90 selected-response questions and one constructed-response question within a five-hour allotted window. It is a challenging exam that requires a deep understanding and knowledge of foundational reading content (prek-6), best practice, and pedagogy. However, many of the topics covered in the STR exam include specific academic vocabulary and require knowledge of evidence-based best practices, making adequate preparation a necessity for this particular test.
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Furthermore, we have carefully inspected all genes in the COSMIC (Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer) database26, as well as genes involved in DNA repair and cell cycle control, as derived from the KEGG database (Supplementary Data 2). Many polymorphisms and several copy number alterations were found in these genes, sometimes in all of the 293-derived lines but mostly in just a few of them. Almost all polymorphisms were heterozygous and those that were homozygous were very unlikely to be drivers of the transformed phenotype of the cells because of their common occurrence in the human population. We conclude that the adenoviral insertion at high copy number, possibly in conjunction with low fumarate hydratase copy number, is possibly the only main driving factor for the transformed phenotype of the 293 cell lineage in general.
As genome-wide short interfering RNA resources are now available for human cells38,39, and as sequence-specific genome-engineering tools are rapidly becoming standard tools for mammalian cell genetic engineering40,41,42, a sequence and average copy number level knowledge of the entire genomes of the cell lines under study is of great advantage. Furthermore, the cell-line-specific genome sequences reported here will also be beneficial in the interpretation of RNA-seq and proteomics experiments that make use of these cells. 293 cells have been cultivated for decades in different laboratories, which most likely has led to different progressive genome structure alterations. This may underlie the sometimes different conclusions drawn from experimentation with 293 cell lines (and many other cell lines). All cell lines sequenced here are available to the research community. Up to the level of sensitivity afforded by our sequencing approach (single copy plasmid insertions were easily detected), these cell lines have no inadvertent virus insertions, which should help to put at rest some of the concerns towards the use of the 293 cells for biopharmaceutical production. The analytical tools we provide here for integrated plasmids and viral sequences will be very valuable in fully characterizing cell lines used for the production of biopharmaceuticals, both towards the copy number and stability of the inserted plasmids and the validation that such cell lines are free of inadvertent viral sequence contamination.
For additional information about the Science of Teaching Reading exam, including related certificate requirements, content of the exam, and webinars and other support resources, visit the Texas Education Agency website at www.tea.texas.gov/str .
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The CTSA Program is one component of the NCATS Strategic Plan to advance CTS; it is designed to develop and implement innovative solutions that will improve the efficiency, quality, and impact of the process for turning observations in the laboratory, clinic, and community into interventions that improve the health of individuals and communities. The expertise, resources, and infrastructure of the CTSA Program facilitate innovation and provide support for all scientific/medical communities engaged in CTS research, including disease and condition-specific research supported by NIH Institutes and Centers. As one of the largest NIH clinical and translational science programs and an exemplar of team science, NCATS envisions the CTSA Program progressing toward a standards-based, interoperable network in a cloud environment where informatics assets, e.g., data, software, and algorithms, can be co-developed and shared across the CTSA consortium in a common GitHub repository.
NIH aggregate fiscal year funding tables with the most current 5-year average of FY costs and the four maximum DC award tiers for CTSA UM1 hubs will be provided on an annual basis. All required information about levels of NIH funding is available at NIH RePORTER; however, for their convenience, applicants are encouraged to use Table A [Institutional NIH direct cost (DC) funding] provided by NCATS to generate a combined funding amount that defines their maximum DC amount allowable for the annual award. For our CTSAs, NCATS has tiered thresholds that range from $2,600,000 to $6,500,000. CTSA UL1 award recipients funded previously under PAR-18-940,PAR-18-464, PAR-15-304 or RFA-TR-12-006, may request the appropriate tiered UM1 threshold shown on Table B but will not receive more than a 5% reduction in DC annual support for the core hub responsibilities (UM1) relative to the last budget period of the previous competitive project period of their UL1 award, exclusive of administrative supplements/competitive revisions and subaward F&A. Thus, those CTSA UL1 award recipients whose UM1 DC Tier calculation is more than a 5% reduction in DC annual support may submit a budget request at 95% of the DC level of the last budget period of the previous competitive project period of their UL1 award, exclusive of administrative supplements/competitive revisions and subaward F&A. To obtain details, applicants are also encouraged to review Table B to identify the four maximum DC award tiers for CTSA UM1 hubs. Requested DC budgets may not exceed the appropriate maximum DC award tier and the amount requested should be well justified and depend on the work proposed. All tables provided by NCATS will be updated on an annual basis and can be found here:
The current consortium-wide activities are supported through cooperative agreements that have different project end dates that can be found on the table of activities funded under the CTSA Program (under the Consortium Centers column). New collaborative activities will be supported through the funding opportunity PAR-21-203: Limited Competition: Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Consortium-Wide Centers: Resources for Rapid Demonstration and Dissemination (U24 Clinical Trials Not Allowed). Thus, applicants should describe their commitment to interfacing with current and potentially new national collaborative activities.
No. Pragmatic clinical trials (PCTs) are considered clinical trials and therefore not allowed in PAR-21-340. However, utilization of resources, expertise, tools and platforms for pilot projects, research projects and other clinical and translational science activities within hubs including, specialized resources/expertise in the design, development and demonstration of pragmatic trials would be responsive. A hub could propose a RC2 project that will support the design/development/demonstration of an infrastructure/activity/expertise in pragmatic trials to further catalyze CTS, locally, but without supporting the execution of individual PCTs. For example, an RC2 could support statistical expertise in PCTs, informatics expertise in data extraction from EHRs, virtual platforms/tools to facilitate enrollment and follow up during PCTs, data management tools, e-consent platforms, IND expertise/support for therapies being tested in PCTs, etc., all with the goal of making PCTs and clinical and translational science at a hub much more efficient and impactful.
Yes. RC2s are expected to focus on the development and demonstration of resources/platforms/activities to enhance clinical and translational science at UM1 hubs. An RC2 may support either a specific question related to the advancement of clinical and translational science or propose the creation of a unique infrastructure/resource designed to accelerate scientific progress.
The following resources list the Hispanic-serving Institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs), Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions, or Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISIs):
In addition, citation counts themselves are not necessarily a good metric of importance; see How citation distortions create unfounded authority: analysis of a citation network. Greenberg SA. BMJ. 2009 Jul 20;339:b2680. doi: 10.1136/bmj.b2680.
UCB has an institutional membership to the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity, and you can create your own logon after you activate your account. Then, take advantage of resources like these:
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