The vision of the new National Education Policy is that education should be value based, so that today's student becomes a good citizen of tomorrow. To do this we have to provide stress free education to the students. Instead of running in the race for marks, they should be motivated to acquire knowledge. Students should be made familiar with the nature of education that how by being educated they can serve the society, nation and the world.
There are many exams in life. If you say that the name of life is examination and we are all students, then it will not be wrong. But one of the most important examinations in life is the school examination. Whenever we remember school exams, many memories start waking up in our mind. Get up early in the morning to read, pray before the exam, go to school after eating curd and sugar, write the answers to the questions with a new pen and follow the advice of an elder like, write the answer clearly, do not leave any question etc.
Just as the stem of a small plant is not strong, it has flexibility, in the same way brain of a child is also soft. Just as a small plant needs sunlight, water, air, fertilizer etc. to grow, children also need support and cooperation. If we talk about the fear of children, then as soon as the exam time comes, a sense of fear and apprehension starts building in the mind of the students. So they need guidance. To remove this fear, the Prime Minister started guiding the students through direct discussion with the students through 'Pariksha Pe Charcha'. The Department of Schools and Literacy, Ministry of Education is organizing this innovative program for the last four years.
During this event, students, parents, guardians and teachers from across the country and abroad interact with the Prime Minister and discuss the stress of examination. The intention of the Prime Minister behind this program is to reduce the fear of examination from the minds of the students and make them understand the format of examinations in a stress-free manner. This program is part of a larger movement called 'Exam Warriors'. The name 'Exam Warriors' is taken from the best selling and pioneering book of the Prime Minister. In this book, the Prime Minister has outlined an innovative approach to education, giving priority to knowledge and holistic development of students.
During the last 'Pariksha Pe Charcha 2021', the Prime Minister had emphasized that examination is not a life or death situation; We should see it as a challenge and face it with greater potential instead of running away from it. Truly, running away from exams is no solution. How will we be successful unless we participate in it. The Prime Minister says, 'What you read cannot be the only measure of success or failure in your life. What you do in life determines your success and failure.
Success and failure cannot be decided on the basis of test result in life. We should remember that the work and the kind of behavior we do, that decides the path of our success. If we do any work with a positive attitude, then its result also gets positive. Negative behavior hinders the success of work and leads us to despair.
The program also records the responses and concerns shared by students, parents and teachers. The Prime Minister says, 'You are not talking to the Prime Minister of India, you are talking to a friend.' This liberal attitude of his creates a conducive environment to discuss the importance of stress-free examinations. We should also try ourselves that when our child shares his thoughts with us, he feels that he is talking to his friend.
When the time for state and national board examinations approaches, Pariksha Pe Charcha program aims to take this interaction forward and hold discussions with students of classes IX to XII as well as their parents and teachers. The Prime Minister says, 'Connect with your children, know their likes and dislikes. When you involve yourself in your children's world, it will bridge the generation gap, and they will understand your point of view too.' Indeed, opening up to children requires a positive initiative, which is what every parent wants.
The Corona pandemic has created an opportunity for students to study using digital mediums, but staying at home is affecting their mental and physical development as well. In such a situation, we should ensure that the parents and other family members take care of the students if they are studying 'online' and using different devices.
This year's program for students covers a wide range of topics. These include exam stress management strategies during Covid-19, Amrit Mahotsav of freedom, self-reliant schools for self-reliant India, Swachh Bharat, Green India, digital education, women empowerment, environment protection and climate change etc. Collectively, they aim to encourage discussion related to education, 'self-reliance' in teaching and learning, and with equal emphasis on climate change. These themes make it highly relevant at the time of the programme.
The Prime Minister says that, 'Teacher's words have a greater impact on children.' This is also because teachers are the role models of the students. The role of teachers is paramount in the life building of the students. Teachers should keep in mind that every student has a different level of understanding. In such a situation, they should teach in a positive environment, understanding all the students.
For teachers and parents, this discussion is related to the new provisions of the National Education Policy, which will empower the lives of the students in particular and the society in general and pave the way for a 'New India'. It is noteworthy that the way the country is celebrating the successful implementation of the Prime Minister's 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' program and it encourages the parents as to how this scheme can contribute to the national development. . The previous editions of 'Pariksha Pe Charcha' saw wide participation from students, parents and teachers alike.
The use of interactive and pictorial activities not only encourages participation, but also aids in the use of thought-provoking and enjoyable activities. It helps to understand the concepts through practical means. Along with understanding the examination, students should also understand the statement of Rabindranath Tagore that 'You cannot cross the ocean just by standing and watching the water'. Work hard, the result will come by itself.
The vision of the new National Education Policy is that education should be value based, so that today's student becomes a good citizen of tomorrow. To do this we have to provide stress free education to the students. Instead of running in the race for points, they should be motivated to acquire knowledge. Students should be made familiar with the nature of education that how by being educated they can serve the society, nation and the world.