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How to be a brand creator?

Writer's picture: interestopediainterestopedia

Let’s begin by understanding, what is a brand?

A brand is a specific way a company, a product or service is perceived by a certain group of people who have had use of it. The brand of a company, for example, is its logo, name, tagline that distinguishes it from other companies, etc. Just like people have their individuality, so does each company and that there is the ‘brand’ of the company.

Building a brand that stands out in the multitude of brands is no easy task! A whole lot of things are to be considered. Let’s jot them down-

  • Design a logo

  • Choose an apt name

  • Determine the voice of your brand

  • A catchy slogan or tagline to define what your brand is all about

  • Research your target audience and also your competitors

  • Extend and evolve as you grow

The ABCs of how to be a brand creator-

A. Design a logo- The company logo is one of the first things that come to mind while creating a brand. It is the ‘face’ of the product that you’re selling. Ideally, a unique logo that gives an abstract idea of what product you are trying to market, is what you should be focusing on. Your logo should be one that communicates with the target audience. It should be recognizable even at a smaller size. There are different types of logos to choose from:

abstract- Chrome, letter mark-TCS, emblem- Starbucks, icon- Tweeter, etc.

Keep the colours and fonts you chose in mind to make sure they work together with your logo to convey your brand.

B. Choose a name- What’s in a name, wrote Shakespeare, yet when we hear the names Romeo and Juliet, star-crossed lovers is what comes to mind. Therefore, in fact, there’s a lot in a name. even though a brand is more than its name, but as a business owner it’s the first big step you make. It impacts your marketing, logo, domain.

Ideally, a brand name should be unique, hard to duplicate and even harder to confuse with any other brand. One very important thing to keep in mind is to make sure it doesn't have an unintended meaning or is too similar to something else.

Let’s brainstorm some ways to come up with catchy names:

  • use a suggestive word or metaphor. use the initials. combine two words. turn strand of words into an acronym

C. Voice of your brand- It’s important to find your focus. This part will help you answer the right questions about your brand and what it is all about. Whether you sell shoes or ideas, this is where you clear it out!

How to air the voice of your brand:

  • A positioning statement- one or two lines that stake your claim in the market. E.g.: We offer [PRODUCT/SERVICE] for [TARGET MARKET] to [VALUE PROPOSITION].

  • Words that associate with your brand. concepts or metaphors that describe your brand- If your brand was a bird, what bird would it be and why is it like that bird to you?

D. Add a slogan-This is where you put a short and catchy description about your brand. It seems small, but in reality, it is one of the most important parts. In today’s date, time is money and none would want to spend it reading a huge essay. That’s where the slogan comes in handy. A few words can make a huge impact!

some easy approaches-

  • Make it a Metaphor

  • Rhyme it

  • Embrace the customer’s attitude

  • Describe it literally, but keep it short

E. Target audience and competitors- Understanding your potential customers and current competitors, are the two most important things to do before you invest in creating your brand.

In other words, figure out where you stand in the market!

Ways to Understand your place:

  • Google, google and google some more. Research about your product, analyze any present competitors (direct/indirect)

  • Talk to people, do a survey on what they like, more importantly, dislike, about your service category. Improve!

  • Find social media pages your target audience follows and find out their interest from the posts they react to.

  • Read your target customer’s reviews on online shopping sites.

  • Find out the ‘meat-and-potatoes customers’, the easiest one to sell to.

  • Find out who your top competitors are and their weaknesses through thorough research.

F. Extend and evolve as you grow-Creating your own brand does not only mean design a quirky logo, write a memorable slogan. It does not stop with the brand launch. That is only the beginning. Your brand needs to remain! It needs consistency and be constantly in the minds of your focus audience. For your brand to remain a constant, your branding must not. There have to be positive changes and regular improvements that will show your customer that you care. Old is gold but a little polish never hurts!

Continue to shape the brand you created by just adding a little spark to it after a proper interval. Don’t lose the brand you first created, just add some zing to it. Listen intently to what your customers are saying about your brand. Base your changes on that.

Hopefully, at this point, you have the tools, knowledge, and resources to start creating your brand. Now just put your best foot forward and echo with your core audience!


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