Sony Vegas Render Settings 1080p 30 Fps Or 720p 60 Fps
I shot some video at 1080p 30FPS. Did some quick cut and splice in vegas and want to render it back out at 1080 30FPS, using x264 encoding into a MP4 file. Looking through the built-in templates, I selected Formats "MAGIX AVC/AAC MP4" > Templates > Internet HD 1080p 29.97 fps. I did not see a Internet HD 1080p 30 fps option. So I thought I would be able to customize the template and select 30 fps instead but I couldn't. I went ahead and rendered at 29.97 fps and I'm sure as many of you may already know, my render had dropped frames and I'm guessing that's because my project and media was at 30fps and I'm going to 29.97 fps.
Sony Vegas Render Settings 1080p 30 Fps Or 720p 60 Fps
As for whether your viewers will be able to watch 60p - yes, they will. Any TV set supports 720p60 and most do support 1080p60. YouTube supports 60p for several years now. If you want to be extra safe, when exporting to 60p use 720 resolution, that is, export to 720p60.
Video4YouTube is a free plug-in for Sony Vegas Pro, which helps editors to create and upload videos to YouTube, the most popular video sharing website in the world. It automatically determines the best render settings depending on the current project template. Every day, hundreds of people use our software to upload their videos to YouTube. This proves the high quality of our product.
Always match your project settings to the media you are using to ensure the render goes smoothly and the project is rendered out to the correct format. It is very important because Video4YouTube determines the relevant rendering parameters (resolution, frame rate etc.) based on the project settings.
Adobe Media Encoder is used both as a stand-alone application and as a component of Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Character Animator, Audition, Prelude and Adobe Animate. You can set encoding options in the Export Settings dialog to render and export sequences & clips from Premiere Pro or compositions from After Effects. The export settings dialog allows you to adjust parameters of the video clip before you export it, such as frame rate, resolution, and quality.
Project SettingsThis step is probably one of the most important steps to editing and rendering in Sony Vegas. You're going to have to alter these settings in order to comply with the quality of the clip you recorded and how good your computer is. Don't worry, I will explain everything. You can alter the settings to your standard.
The first thing you going to want to do is ignore the 'Template' option at the top of the screen. Now you see the 'Width' and 'Height' options. With this you're going to want to set it to the settings that your clip are in. So if the video is 720p set the 'Width' to 1280 and the 'Height' to 720, but if you're using 1080p clips then use the same settings as the image. Ignore 'Field order' and the 'Output Rotation'. There's no need to mess with these settings, so just leave them the same as me. If you're using HD video clips, which you should be, then you're going to want to keep the 'Pixel aspect ratio' on 'Square' because 720p and 1080p uses a square aspect ratio. Now comes the frame rate. For silky smooth clips you're going to want to set it at 'Double NTSC'. 60FPS makes the clips look extra smooth and more enjoyable to watch. This in an option that depends on your computer however. It will take much longer to render clips at 60FPS as it has to take double the time it takes to render a 30FPS clip. If you want to wait longer but have a nice looking clip, choose 60FPS.
Now for the 'Pixel format' options. If you were a professional and rendering a Movie or Television show, you would want to change this option. But, you aren't. Leave the 'Pixel format' at '8-bit', this is good enough for YouTube quality and will just drain your CPU resources when changing it to '32-bit'. With the next option being 'Full-resolution rendering quality' you will put it on 'Best'. Why would you put it any less? You want it to look the best so leave it on that. 'Motion blur type' should be defaulted to Gaussian so leave it on that, it does nothing unless you edit the tracks anyway. 'Deinterlace method' should be set to 'None'. You can set it to 'Interpolate fields' if you want to, but I don't recommend it as it creates ghosting and makes it look a blurry mess with flick shots. Last but not least, you want to tick the 'Start all new projects with these settings' option. This means that whenever you open Sony Vegas your settings will automatically open up. This makes it simpler for you so you don't have to toggle it all when you want to make another sick frag movie.
The final piece to the puzzle. The render to rule them all! Here we are at the end of the editor's journey, where they have to render their clips into a fine-tuned masterpiece. On the top left of your screen you will see 'File'. Go ahead and click that. Look down the list and you will see 'Render'. That is the second thing you should click. Now this box that looks really scary and has a million options will pop-up onto your screen. No worries, this is quite simple to understand and you will want to ignore 90% of the options on there. Find the drop down selection called 'MainConcept AVC/AAC'. This is the perfect template for our clips and is .mp4, so it doesn't take long to render and it is also fast to upload while maintaining a good quality that YouTube will like. Now find the one that fits your clip. You're going to want to pick 'Internet HD 1080p' or 'Internet HD 720p' depending on what you chose at the start. For this I will be showing you the 1080p option but all of the settings are the same except for the resolution.
The settings haver already changed for me because I have previously edited it. Now if you don't want to learn anything, simply copy what I have on the left and finish the render. But if you want to stay along for the ride and learn some new lingo and information about rendering, then read ahead.
Now it should already be ticked but make sure the 'Include video' option is ticked because without that well, where's your fragmovie? All joke aside I actually had that unchecked once and just rendered music with sounds of a Desert Eagle in the background. Now for the 'Frame size'. Of course, if you're using 1080p leave it on 'HD 1080' and if you're using 720p make sure it's 'HD 720'. It'sas simple as that. Your profile should be set to 'Main'. This is the old broadcasting standard and is perfectly fine for YouTube videos. It has a perfect bitrate and size, whereas if you used High it would have a much higher bitrate and take a lot longer to render, with little to no use because YouTube compresses your video anyway.
Now the bit rate is the hard part to understand. YouTube does compress the video's bit rate down. There is a guide that YouTube has posted to determine the bitrate of your video and it's recommended that 1080p video uses 8mbps when rendering and that 720p video uses 5mbps. You can take this how you like and mess around with the settings yourself. Because I don't mind how long it takes me to render a clip, I leave it at 22mbps mainly because I like to make it the highest quality as I possibly can. 'Number of slices' should be left alone unless you're a professional. It takes a literal slice of the clip and then encodes that slice alone, this is so a decoder has an easier time decoding the images on the screen. Basically leave it alone at 4 and everything will be fine.
Final thoughtsAs with most tutorials you can take all of what I said with a pinch of salt. I have included below a clip that I rendered earlier to show you how clean and nice the settings are.
Remember, these are the settings that I like to use and have had perfect results when using them. Of course this is all through trial and error and if you didn't get the results you wanted, try all the settings out for yourself. Messing around with the settings for a day and rendering out multitudes of clips is what makes editing fun.